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Person with buzzcut and pink eyeshadow holding VUSH Swish dual-tip vibrator

Debunking 5 Vibrator Misconceptions

If you’ve never used a sex toy before, you’ll have a lot of questions; some out of confusion and uncertainty, or some from people “warning” you about using them in general. Whatever it is, there is a lot of BS floating around, so it’s time to put these misconceptions to bed, so you can get comfortably into yours.

1. Vibrators are just for people with vaginas

Uh uh, not true. Vibrators come in all shapes and sizes meaning anyone with any body can use one. Yes, some of the more common ones may be clitoral vibrators but even a well renowned wand vibrator, like Majesty 2, can be used to stimulate the perineum or scrotum area. A G-Spot vibrator is designed to be used internally, and we all have a G-Spot! Now more than ever, there are attachments and bits and bobs to make vibrators more accessible to anyone.

2. Vibrators are only for people who are not having partnered sex

This one is probably one of the most popular misconceptions, and it’s time to squash it. A vibrator doesn’t have you on Facebook, it doesn’t know your relationship status. They are made to give pleasure and don’t discriminate. Even if you are having partnered sex you may be home alone, they may not want to have sex, or your libidos could be different. But worry not, you’ll always have your vibe right there for you! Besides, sex toys can be used with partners too - have you seen our couples range?

3. Vibrators ruin partner sex

This is something we’re sure you have heard - we have, that’s for sure. Maybe it’s an old husband tale! Anyway, they don’t. If anything, they can improve it! Vibrators help you know your body better, and then you can pass that information to a partner. But even your favourite vibe can always use a plus 1 or 2, we promise it won’t mind!

4. If you use one, you’ll never be able to orgasm without one

This is completely untrue. Can you still run without having runners on? Of course you can, but it may take you longer to run somewhere without them. Vibrators are the same, they make it easier to orgasm for most people because they can be in control, and they are quite literally just doing their job. It can actually help you know what you like better. You may orgasm quicker with one, but that big O is never out of reach.

5. They are guaranteed to make you orgasm

Nothing in life is guaranteed. Yes, vibrators can make it easier for you to orgasm but if you don’t, don’t worry! You may need to have a play with some settings to see what feels best for you, that one vibrator may not be the right fit for you, or there’s a variety of other factors that may be affecting your ability to orgasm - luckily there is definitely no shortage of vibrators for you to try in the world, and the journey to the big O is half the fun! So go forth and vibe on with those queries and tales laid to rest.

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